The First Center for Validation and Verification operates on the basis of the following regulatory and methodological documents:
Type of regulatory documentLine numberDesignationNameLink
National standard1GOST R ISO 14064-1-2007Greenhouse gases. Part 1. Requirements and guidance for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and removals at the organization level
2GOST R ISO 14064-2-2007Greenhouse gases. Part 2. Requirements and guidance for quantifying, monitoring and reporting on projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or increase their removal at the project level
3GOST R ISO 14064-3-2007Greenhouse gases. Part 3. Requirements and guidance for validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions
4GOST R ISO 14066-2013Greenhouse gases. Competence requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification teams
Voluntary certification system5VCS "KOUS"Voluntary certification system "Quantification of greenhouse gases"